Discussion panel under the aegis of the CEE Digital Alliance. The aim of the panel is to exchange perspectives on how the SEO industry works in different CEE countries. The panelists are: Mihai Vinatoru, Daniel Duris, Balazs Gandera and Radim Kracik. Moderating the panel, also one of CEE Digital Alliance members, Laszlo Szabo.
Google Analytics 4 je tu už niekoľko rokov, ale stále je to pre mnohých nezrozumiteľný systém. Zmena paradigmy a posun k eventom, ale aj (často) nepoužiteľné základné reporty, ktoré navyše vyzerá inak ako v Universal Analytics. Ako môžu e-shopy zapracovať novú verziu analytiky do svojich systémov? Kde sledovať dôležité detaily transakcií a aké reporty využívať? Na aký účel služí Consent Mode? A aké sú možnosti riešenia výpadku v štatistikách po nasadení cookie lišty?
Kristina is a recognized SEO professional with 10+ years of hands-on experience. She is named one of the 13 women shaping the SEO industry. She is also an expert contributor at Search Engine Land, SEMrush, HotJar, Business.com as well as a speaker at the Women in Tech SEO Festival, BrightonSEO eCommerce Summit, Turn DiGi Conference and other marketing events.
“Using JavaScript can brake website’s SEO!” said Kristina.
In this session, Kristina shared best practices for using JavaScript on a website so that it stays SEO-friendly (and can be found on Google). Kristina also showed real-life examples of when JS implementation went wrong and the tools to discover it. Kristina launched MarketingSyrup Academy where she teaches people SEO the right way.
Lily Ray is a prominent SEO professional based in Brooklyn, NYC. She is the Senior Director of SEO at Amsive Digital. Besides that she is the passionate DJ & drummer. Lily with her team have won multiple industry awards from Search Engine Land, U.S. Search Awards, and Drum Search awards, including Best SEO Team and Best SEO Campaign.
In last years, Lily speaks intensively about E-A-T in SEO. E-A-T stands for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness and has the massive impact on ranking in Google.
“Google has framed E-A-T as one of the most important factors for achieving optimal SEO performance in the past few years,” said Lily.
In this presentation, Lily showed us how to handle the website content to increase the E-A-T, why it is so crucial and who is involved.
V júli 2023 prestane fungovať staré Google Analytics Universal. Ostane už len Google Analytics 4, ktoré je jeho náhradou.
Čo to znamená pre weby, ktoré ho roky používajú na zaznamenávanie štatistík návštevnosti či transakcií v eshope? Máte prejsť na Google Analytics 4, alebo existujú iné alternatívy? Ostanú nám historické dáta zo starého Analytics? Všetky otázky ohľadom konca GA4 zodpovedal náš hlavný konzultant Daniela Duriša.
Dana DiTomaso is President & Partner at Canadian marketing agency Kick Point, where she helps people and teams do better marketing. She speaks at conferences about reporting, analytics and SEO.
“You pull the SEO lever and then pageviews magically begin to appear — right? But what if the metrics you’ve been using to evaluate your success aren’t quite telling you what you thought they were telling you,” said Dana.
In this presentation, Dana outlined several ways to evaluate content success using Google Analytics (4) and Google Tag Manager.
With more than 90K followers, Cyrus Shepard belongs to the top SEO influencers out there. He founded the unique SEO tool Zyppy and was a former SEO leader at Moz. Cyrus appeared at the most prestigious SEO and marketing events like MozCon, SMX – Search Marketing Expo or Marketing Festival.
Cyrus Shepard presented their new research about internal linking and #seozraz webinar attendees was the first to see it. We all know links help us to rank, but how much power do internal links really have? In this presentation, Cyrus explored new research covering nearly 2000 websites and explored which internal linking strategies work best based on data.
Massive SEO nerd, as he calls himself! Alexander is one of the most experienced SEO experts in Austria. He is leading a 40-member SEO team and sharing his know-how on the biggest Youtube channel about SEO in German language with more than 17 000 subscribers.
Alexander revealed how to design beautiful brand SERPs. Why optimizing your Google brand SERPs is totally worth it? How to improve your Google brand SERPs?
V júli 2023 prestane fungovať staré Google Analytics Universal. Ešte 6 mesiacov bude možné si pozerať historické dáta, ktoré potom zmiznú tiež. Ostane už len Google Analytics 4, ktoré je jeho náhradou. Čo to znamená pre weby, ktoré ho roky používajú na zaznamenávanie štatistík návštevnosti či transakcií v eshope? Máte prejsť na Google Analytics 4, alebo existujú iné alternatívy?
Na webinári Daniel vysvetlil, čo znamená koniec Google Analytics Universal, čo je potrebné urobiť hneď a čo stačí nechať na leto 2023. Taktiež ukázal, či a kedy sa oplatí prejsť na Google Analytics 4 a predstavil alternatívy ku Google Analytics.
SEO migrácie veľkých webov sú problematické. Množstvo aktérov a rozhodnutia na poslednú chvíľu. Veľké weby majú históriu a množstvo zdedených URL. Na konferencii SEO Restart Daniel predstavil, ako sme úspešne zmigrovali veľké weby, porozprával o problémoch pri migrácii a poskytol checklist vychádzajúci z dlhoročnej skúsenosti.
Šárka works as the SEO specialist for Czech Television (Czech TV). She has been working in SEO for 12 years as a freelancer and also at major Czech digital agencies.
Šárka and Daniel discussed the massive website migration of Czech national TV video platform and the challenges from the SEO and UX point of view. Why does the Czech TV invest in SEO? Are there any unique specifics when it comes to SEO for video content in general?
Barry Schwartz is the founder of the Search Engine Roundtable and has covered search for over 18 years. Barry is also the News Editor at Search Engine Land. With 160K+ followers on Twitter, Barry is one of the most influential search geeks out there.
Daniel & Barry discussed the latest Google algorithm updates. In a live Q&A session Barry answered inquisitive questions about the most important search ranking factors for 2022.
Od 1.2.2022 sa zmení analytika, kedy vstúpi do platnosti nový zákon o elektronickej komunikácii.
Budeme naďalej používať cookies alebo sa prepneme na takzvaný Consent mode a nemusíme používať lišty s vyžiadaním súhlasu? Aké výpadky zaznamenanej návštevnosti v štatistikách máme očakávať? Ako sa zmení remarketing, keď potrebujeme súhlas? Vyrieši niečo prechod na Google Analytics 4?
Na webinári prešiel Dano stav digitálnej analytiky v roku 2022 a zmeny, ktoré čakajú prevádzkovateľov webov a tiež ľudí, ktorí pracujú so štatistikami návštevnosti.
Mihai is the founder of Romanian award-winning SEO agency DWF counting 70+ team members. One of his main skills is the ability to scale things up.
Mihai Vinatoru and Liviu Taloi (DWF) are going to introduce their own framework for tracking issues in Google Analytics to prevent opportunity & money loss of their 400+ clients. They automatically tracked 15+ potential problems in 400+ GA accounts twice a week for a whole year to prevent the issues with organic traffic. Stay tuned for the step-by-step guide on how you can adapt it to track your own site or your full portfolio of websites.
Agnieszka Chaninovič has taken her first steps in digital marketing in the SEO industry and continues her journey to this day. She effectively uses acquired knowledge about technology and marketing, conducting projects including international ones from various industries. She doesn’t believe in a no-win situation and always looks for tailored-made solutions for her clients. Coffee and wine lover.
Agnieszka Chaninovič revealed how SEO can support an international expansion strategy and list all crucial elements to make it successful.
SEO migrations of large corporate websites are difficult. There are plenty of stakeholders included in the process and some decisions come at last moment. Moreover, large websites have long history and lots of hanging legacy URLs. And what about single page websites used for campaigns a few years ago and abandoned since? I will show you how we have successfuly migrated multiple corporate websites, talk about the common issues and provide you with a checklist that we have built from our longterm experience.
Bill Slawski is the Author at the SEO by the Sea blog, and writes about patents and white papers from the search engines. He is also the Director of SEO Research at Go Fish Digital.
Bill Slawski will talk about Google patents used for search and related technologies such as knowledge graph, indexing, using multiple device signals for personalized knowledge graphs and more.
„How not to lose positions in Google, organic traffic and conversions due to poorly designed faceted filtering in your eshop? Most eshops use faceted filtering or faceted navigation. And most of them has designed the faceted filtering the wrong way from the SEO point of view.
Let me show you how to design the faceted navigation and not to lose money in the same moment.” Pavel Ungr is like a synonym for SEO in Czech republic. He didn’t lose any of his SEO know-how even after he cut his legendary hair.
He used to work for biggest Czech marketing agencies Ataxo and H1 since 2009. From 2013 he works as a freelance SEO consultant for high competitive clients from Czech and Slovak republic, Hungary and USA. #seozraz webinar brings you unique SEO talks as a sequel of a successful SEO conference.
How can we discover the right place for promotion of our content?
Venchito Tampon is going to demonstrate the way, how and where you can find the fantastic backlinks opportunities.
„How many links do we need to rank in Google? How many articles do we need to write? When will we see significant results? Why is this guy outranking me? My site is faster than that site!“
These are real and everyday questions from existing and potential clients. Would it be good to have a framework and a step-by-step process that could help you predict the work and timeframe of your SEO success? You bet, it would. This talk promises to deliver exactly that.
Gábor Papp (The Pitch) and Daniel Duriš (Lead Consultant at Basta digital) discussed how to predict your SEO work and success.
Vedeli ste, že v roku 2020 dve tretiny hľadajúcich v Googli neklikli ďalej? Až 65 percent hľadaní neprinieslo návštevnosť webom vo výsledkoch vyhľadávania Google. A to bez ohľadu na to, či si weby platili reklamu alebo mali dlhodobé SEO aktivity a viditeľné organické výsledky.
Americký expert na optimalizáciu pre vyhľadávače Rand Fishkin v auguste 2019 prvýkrát publikoval výsledky analýzy, ako funguje vyhľadávanie Googlu. Jeho záver vtedy mnohých šokoval – až polovica hľadaní v Googli sa tam aj skončila. Štúdia definovala takéto správanie ako vyhľadávania bez prekliku („zero-click searches“).
“⅔ of searches on Google ended in the search results without clicking to another web property. Mobile stats are even worse. 77 % of mobile browsers were satisfied with what they see in Google and they didn’t need to click on any other website.”
Rand Fishkin (CEO at SparkToro) and Daniel Duriš (Lead Consultant at Basta digital) discussed the Zero-click Searches – what it is, what to expect in the future, how to face it.
How folks at successful SEO tool Mangools create and optimize content on their product landing pages and blog, how they do link building and what kind of struggles came last year?
Mangools CMO Maroš Kortiš and Daniel Duris talk about it at the 1st of SEO zraz webinar, a unique equel of a successful SEO conference.
Prípadová štúdia o tom, ako bol klientsky web zasiahnutý aktualizáciou Medic a ako sa nám počas nasledujúcich dvoch rokov podarilo cez SEO aktivity zdvojnásobiť organickú návštevnosť a viditeľnosť.
Jedno je isté, nejaký update je na ceste. Mali by ste mať pripravený záložný plán, ktorý použijete v prípade dramatického poklesu organickej návštevnosti. Rátajte s tým, že po pádoch pozícií a organickej návštevnosti budete makať viac a zarábať menej, aby ste obnovili dôveru klienta.
Since 1997 we have been hearing almost every year that SEO is dead. In reality, SEO as a discipline has been changing and reacting to how Google search changed. How have we come to the age of voice search and what does it mean for SEO? How does voice search work and how has it changed search results? What are the featured snippets and how can we get to zero position in organic search? Daniel is going to recommend concrete steps for companies to take in order to rank in voice search.
Reštaurácie, hotely, kaderníctva, kamenné predajne, miestne pobočky pozor! Čo z lokálnych výsledkov máte a ako sa v nich presadiť? Vypočujte si výsledky najnovších výskumov a otestujte horúce novinky lokálneho SEO.
SEO sa neustále mení, ovplyvňuje ho najmä Google. 10 bodov, ktoré môžeme v blízkej budúcnosti očakávať a na ktoré sa oplatí zamerať pri optimalizácii webov.
Prezentácia spolu so Zuzanou Pokrivčákovou o novinkách, ktoré môžeme očakávať v najbližších mesiacoch až rokoch. Hovorili sme aj o dobe súkromia.
Prezentácia Daniela Duriša sa zameriava na SEO pre eshopy. Aké kroky musia urobiť majitelia eshopov, aby získavali organickú návštevnosť?
Moderovaná diskusia so zástupcami agentúr z oblasti digitálneho marketingu o ich skúsenostiach s klientami.